Sponsorship Opportunities
We invite you to join us in this endeavor by becoming a sponsor for this one-of-a-kind event. Please take a moment to see how your support of our veteran community can benefit your business or organization. LFT also welcomes in-kind donations. The value of your in-kind donation will translate into the benefits below.
Platinum Sponsor: $2,000.00
A complimentary Ruck Team registration;
Exclusive name & logo on a Ruck obstacle;
5 Ruck event shirts;
Name & logo on Ruck website with an active link;
Promotional social media posts for your business;
Sponsor supplied banner displayed at event;
Name on our Ruck event shirts; and
A promotional table at the RuckFest Expo.
Gold Sponsor: $700.00
Name & logo on Ruck website with an active link;
Promotional social media posts for your business;
Sponsor supplied banner displayed at event;
Name on our Ruck event shirts; and
A promotional table at the RuckFest Expo.
Bronze Sponsor: $200.00
Name on the Ruck website as a 'Ruck the Ridge' sponsor;
A promotional table at the RuckFest Expo.
Obstacle Sponsor: $900.00
Exclusive name and logo on a Ruck obstacle;
5 Ruck event shirts;
Name & logo on Ruck website with an active link;
Promotional social media posts for your business;
Sponsor supplied banner displayed at event;
Name on our Ruck event shirts; and
A promotional table at the RuckFest Expo.
Silver Sponsor: $400.00
Name & logo on Ruck website;
Sponsor supplied banner displayed at event;
Name on our Ruck event shirts;
A promotional table at the RuckFest Expo.
Non-profit partnership, FREE!
We welcome 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(19) organizations to participate for free!
A promotional table at the Ruck Fest Expo.
Please provide your 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) number on the sponsorship registration form.